Ananich R.O., Bazyuk S.S., Bespechalov B.N., Kiselev D.S., Polunin K.K., Stoykov K.V., Urusov A.A., Yagnyatinskiy D.A.
The results of experimental investigation devoted to oxidation kinetics of fuel rod claddings made of E110 zirconium alloy coated with chromium and 42KhNM chromium-nickel alloy under superheated water steam in the temperature range of 800–1300 °C and exposure times up to 8 hours are presented. It has been established that fivefold thermal cyclic loading of E110-Cr samples of WWER-1000 fuel rod claddings in water vapor at 1200 °C and a total exposure time of more than 500 seconds does not lead to loss of adhesion and cracking of the chromium coating at the stages of heating and cooldown at a rate of up to 27 K/s. Based on the analysis of experimental data, it is shown that the use of chromium reduces the intensity of degradation of the WWER-1000 fuel rod cladding by reducing the thickness of the ZrO2 layer formed as a result of the zirconium steam reaction by 2.3 times. fuel rods from intense steam-zirconium reaction during an accident with loss of coolant. The experimental data of generated oxide layers thicknesses are confirmed by post-test material science studies. Based on thermogravimetric tests the temperature-time evaluation of protective coating performance is obtained applied to E110 rod cladding.
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