Artemov V.G., Artemova L.M., Korotaev V.G., Kuznetsov A.N.
Alexandrov Research Institute of Technoloqy, Sosnovy Bor, Russia
The paper presents the SAPFIR_95&RC_VVER modeling results for the test task based on full-scale experiment performed at VVER-1000 reactor plant. In this experiment, a transient mode was implemented with the disconnection of two adjacent out of four operating main circulation pumps (MCP) and control rods insertion to compensate the reactivity. The test task was applied to develop methods of non-stationary calculation of pinwise power density using the programs for computations of neutronic and thermal-hydraulic characteristics of VVER type reactors. The SAPFIR_95&RC_VVER program package has two methods for calculating the pinwise power density: superposition method of micro- and macro-flux, and the fine-grid method, in which the nodes of the radial calculation grid in the core coincide with the centers of fuel rods in the fuel assembly. Both approaches are implemented to solve steady-state and transient problems. Transient simulations are performed by coupling the SAPFIR_95&RC_VVER and the KORSAR thermal-hydraulic code.
The paper describes the neutronic models of the VVER-1000 reactor core and solving this test problem by the superposition and fine-grid methods. The results for changes in the pinwise power density under dynamic regime calculated by both methods are presented.
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