Authors & Affiliations
Dekusar V.M., Gurskaya O.S., Moseev A.L.
A.I. Leipunsky Institute of Physics and Power Energy, Obninsk, Russia
Dekusar V.M. – Leading Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Tech.). Contacts: 1, pl. Bondarenko, Obninsk, Kaluga region, Russia, 249033. Tel.: +7 (484) 399-86-22; e-mail:
Gurskaya O.S. – Researcher.
Moseev A.L. – Senior Researcher.
The paper presents the results of calculations of the 232U content in uranium during multiple recycling of fuel materials in fast reactors. The influence of various regimes of fuel materials recycling in a fast reactor (only recycling of plutonium, uranium or their mixture, time parameters of the external fuel cycle, etc.) on the accumulation of 232U has been studied by calculation. In this case, partial refueling and fuel conversions within the closed fuel cycle of a fast reactor were taken into account. Within the framework of the fuel cycle only for fast reactors of the BN type, the maximum accumulation of 232U in uranium is ~1.0·10–6 %. This value corresponds to the 20th microrun during the recycling of uranium and plutonium in the form of an unseparated mixture with a year of holding the unloaded fuel. Increasing the holding time to realistic 3–5 years leads to a decrease in the accumulation of 232U to
(0.90–0.95) 10–6 %. The transition to other considered options for the recycling of fuel materials (separate recycling of plutonium and uranium, a decrease in the number of recycles, an increase in the holding of spent nuclear fuel) leads to a decrease in accumulation. As a result, apparently, the value of 1.0·10–6 % can be taken as the upper limit of 232U accumulation with a certain margin. It is shown that quite quickly – in two microruns – the content of 232U in uranium reaches the maximum allowable values in the production of uranium fuel for thermal reactors at a machine-building plant (JSC “MSZ”, Electrostal). At the same time, it is noted that for fast reactors with MOX fuel, where remote production is used, the use of such uranium may be acceptable. However, all aspects of the use of regenerated uranium, especially the radiation situation at various stages of the fuel cycle, require further research.
fast reactor, closed fuel cycle, uranium, plutonium, recycling of fuel materials, accumulation of 232U, microrun, modeling
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
UDC 621.039
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2023, issue 3, 3:4