Shumkov D.E.1,2, Tashlykov O.L.1, Glukhov S.M.1
The article presents the results of research carried out in order to create conditions for ensuring the safe operation of irradiated fuel assemblies (SFAS) in the holding pools of research nuclear reactors using a passive cooling system operating on the principle of thermosiphons. The results of experimental studies in the mode of natural circulation of the coolant of the storage mine of the research nuclear reactor IVV-2M, temperature regimes at various points of the SHK under different cooling modes and loading of the mine) in case of loss of power supply during partial loading of the mine, when unloading the entire core into the mine. A three-dimensional model of a storage shaft heat exchanger has been developed, which allows analyzing thermal and hydraulic characteristics at various environmental parameters, and various modes of temperature and velocity distribution in the heat exchanger have been modeled. To assess the reliability of cooling of irradiated fuel assemblies in the de-energization mode, a three-dimensional model of the storage mine was constructed and a simulation of the coolant cleaning and cooling system and ventilation system was carried out. A device with thermocouples for measuring temperature at various points in depth has been developed and manufactured, taking into account the structural features of the storage mine. The scheme of operation and design of the proposed experimental installation of a system of passive heat removal of irradiated fuel assemblies is proposed.
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4. Shumkov D.E., Klimova V.A., Tashlykov O.L. Zadacha povysheniya nadezhnosti raskholazhivaniya shakhty-khranilishcha otrabotavshikh teplovydelyayushchikh sborok [The task of increasing the reliability of cooling of the mine-storage of spent fuel assemblies]. Materialy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Perspektivnyye energeticheskiye tekhnologii. Ekologiya, ekonomika, bezopasnost' i podgotovka kadrov” [Proc. of the Scientific and Practical Conference “Promising energy technologies. Ecology, Economics, Safety and Personnel Training – 2016”].Yekaterinburg, October 11, 2016. Yekaterinburg, UrFU Publ., 2016. Pp. 42–44.
5. Shumkov D.E., Klimova V.A., Tashlykov O.L., Seleznev E.N. Povysheniye nadezhnosti okhlazhdeniya obluchennykh toplivnykh sborok IYAR IVV-2M v shakhte-khranilishche [Improving the reliability of cooling irradiated fuel IYAR IVV-2M assemblies in a storage mine]. Tezisy dokladov IV Mezhdunarodnoy molodezhnoy nauchnoy konferentsii “Fizika. Tekhnologii. Innovatsii. FTI-2017” (Sektsii 3, 4, 5) [Abstracts of the IV International Youth Scientific Conference “Physics. Technologies. Innovations. FTI-2017” (Sections 3, 4, 5). Yekaterinburg, May 15–19, 2017. [Electronic resource] Yekaterinburg, UrFU Publ., 2017. Pp. 122–123.
6. Shumkov D.E., Klimova V.A., Tashlykov O.L., Seleznev E.N. Povysheniye nadezhnosti okhlazhdeniya obluchennykh toplivnykh sborok IYAR IVV-2M v shakhte-khranilishche [Improving the reliability of cooling of irradiated fuel assemblies of the IVV-2M in the storage mine]. Tezisy dokladov Nauchno-tekhnicheskoy shkoly-seminara po yadernym tekhnologiyam dlya molodykh uchenykh, spetsialistov, studentov i aspirantov [Scientific and Technical School-Seminar on Nuclear Technologies for Young Scientists, Specialists, Students and Postgraduates]. Yekaterinburg, May 10–13, 2017, pp. 28–30.
7. Shumkov D.E., Litvinov D.N., Klimova V.A., Tashlykov O.L. Modelirovaniye teplogidravlicheskikh protsessov v zmeyevikovom teploobmennike dlya opredeleniya effektivnosti teploobmena [Modeling of heat-hydraulic processes in a coil heat exchanger to determine the efficiency of heat exchange]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh, posvyashchennoy pamyati prof. Danilova N.I. (1945–2015) – Danilovskikh chteniy “Energo- i resursosberezheniye. Energoobespecheniye. Netraditsionnyye i vozobnovlyayemyye istochniki energii” [Proc. of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Aspirants and Young Scientists Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Danilova N.I. (1945–2015) – Danilovsky Readings “Energy and Resource Conservation. Energy Supply. Unconventional and Renewable Energy Sources”. Yekaterinburg, December 11–15, 2017. Yekaterinburg, UrFU Publ., 2017. Pp. 990–993.
8. Litvinov D.N., Sevastyanov M.M., Shumkov D.E., Tashlykov O.L., Klimova V.A. Issledovaniye nadozhnosti teplootvoda pri yestestvennoy i prinuditel'noy tsirkulyatsii v shakhte-khranilishche issledovatel'skogo yadernogo reaktora IVV-2M [Investigation of the reliability of heat sink in natural and forced circulation in the mine-storage of the IVV-2M research nuclear reactor]. Tezisy dokladov V Mezhdunarodnoy molodezhnoy nauchnoy konferentsii, posvyashchennoy pamyati Pochetnogo professora UrFU V.S. Kortova (Sektsiya 5) “Fizika. Tekhnologii. Innovatsii. FTI-2018” [Proc. of the V International Youth Scientific Conference Dedicated to the Memory of Honorary Professor of UrFU V.S. Kortov (Section 5) “Physics. Technologies. Innovations. FTI-2018”]. Yekaterinburg, May 14–18, 2018. Yekaterinburg, UrFU Publ., 2018. Pp. 15–16.
9. Litvinov D.N., Sevastyanov M.M., Shumkov D.E., Klimova V.A., Tashlykov O.L. Issledovaniye effektivnosti otvody ostatochnykh teplovydeleniy obluchennykh toplivnykh sborok v shakhte-khranilishche issledovatel'skogo reaktora [Investigation of the efficiency of residual heat dissipation of irradiated fuel assemblies in the storage shaft of a research reactor]. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh, posvyashchennoy pamyati prof. Danilova N.I. (1945–2015) – Danilovskikh chteniy “Energo- i resursosberezheniye. Energoobespecheniye. Netraditsionnyye i vozobnovlyayemyye istochniki energii” [Proc. of the International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Aspirants and Young Scientists Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. Danilova N.I. (1945–2015) – Danilovsky Readings “Energy and Resource Conservation. Energy Supply. Unconventional and Renewable Energy Sources”. Yekaterinburg, December 11–15, 2017. Yekaterinburg, UrFU Publ., 2017. Pp. 842–845.
10. Shumkov D.E., Tashlykov O.L., Glukhov S.M. Eksperimental'nyye issledovaniya temperaturnykh rezhimov v shakhte-khranilishche issledovatel'skogo yadernogo reaktora IVV-2M [Experimental studies of temperature regimes in the storage mine of the research nuclear reactor IVV-2M]. Sbornik statey VIII Mezhdunarodnoy molodezhnoy nauchnoy konferentsii “Fizika. Tekhnologii. Innovatsii” [Proc. of the VIII International Youth Scientific Conference “Physics. Technologies. Innovation”]. Yekaterinburg, UrFU Publ., 2021. Pp. 315–323.