Luchinkin N.A.1, Razuvanov N.G.1, Polyanskaya O.N.1, Sokolov M.A.2, Shenyagin E.M.2
1 National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” Moscow, Russia
2 Joint Institute for High Temperatures RAS, Moscow, Russia
The results of studies of hydrodynamics and heat transfer in the case of an upward flow of liquid metal in a vertical heated pipe without a magnetic field, as well as in the presence of a transverse magnetic field, are presented. The work was performed on a mercury MHD facility of the Joint Institute for High Temperatures of the Russian Academy of Science. The studies were carried out with uniform and non-uniform heating in the pipe section. With the use of microthermocouple probes, the profiles of the average velocity and temperature, the distribution of local heat transfer coefficients, and pulsation characteristics of temperature both in the cross section and along the length of the pipe were obtained. In the absence of magnetic field, a decrease in the heat transfer coefficients (Nusselt numbers) was found in comparison with purely turbulent values, which qualitatively agrees with the general laws of heat transfer during mixed convection for nonmetallic liquids. Electric currents generated in a transverse magnetic field change the hydrodynamics of the flow, suppressing turbulence and reducing heat transfer down to laminar values. At the same time, interesting effects associated with the influence of electromagnetic forces and thermogravitational convection on the hydrodynamics of the averaged flow and pulsation characteristics of heat transfer have been found in certain regimes in a transverse magnetic field.
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