Koshelev M.M., Ulianov V.V., Kremlyova V.S., Bukreyeva A.D., Silaev A.S., Komarovskiy V.A., Prikazchikova A.A.
A.I. Leypunsky Institute of Physic and Power Engineering, Obninsk, Russia
The article is devoted to the results of research to substantiate the possibility of maintaining the purity of lead-containing coolants and the surfaces of their loops in relation to the conditions of reactor installations and research stands of various designs. It is shown that in the absence of proper control, solid lead oxides can accumulate in lead-containing coolants after contact with air oxygen, which can eventually lead to negative consequences for the loops. It is advisable to remove solid lead oxides from the loops with lead-containing coolants using the so-called hydrogen purification, i.e. chemical interaction of hydrogen with solid lead oxides. In this case, lead is recovered from the oxide and returned to the coolant. To ensure the integrity of the protective coatings of steels, which are iron oxide and chromium oxide, it is necessary to moisten the hydrogen-containing gas mixture entering the coolant circuit. Explosion safety requirements imply dilution of the “hydrogen – water vapor” mixture with an inert gas, for example, argon. The reduction of lead oxides in the coolant is kinetically more advantageous to carry out when implementing the “lead oxide – hydrogen” interaction, since the presence of a coolant between the oxide and hydrogen significantly slows down the purification process in the loops. Therefore, for effective cleaning of the loops with lead-containing coolants from solid lead oxides, a hydrogen-containing gas mixture must be injected directly into the coolant flow. The optimal device for introducing the gas phase into lead-containing coolants is mechanical gas dispersers with moving parts, which are a small pump and a narrow part with a reduced coolant pressure. It has been experimentally shown that they can inject gas into a lead-containing coolant and deliver a two-component “coolant – gas” flow even to areas where the velocity of the coolant downflow is reduced to 0.1 m/s.
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