Authors & Affiliations
Arkadov G.V.1, Kotsoev K.I.2,3, Trykova I.V.2
1 Limited liability company “Kvant program”, Moscow, Russia
2 Scientific and Technical Center “Diaprom”, Obninsk, Russia
3 Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Moscow, Russia
Trykova I.V.2 – programmer. Contacts: e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Kotsoev K.I.2,3 – Head of Data Science Department.
Arkadov G.V.1 – President of the Russian Institute for Systems Engineering, Сand. Sci. (Tech.).
In reactor installations with a water–water power reactor, the appearance of loose, loosely anchored and outsider objects in the main circulation circuit is not excluded. These objects, moving in the coolant flow, can collide with the inner walls of the elements of the main circulation circuit, which can lead to damage to the equipment of the main circulation circuit. The experience of operating reactor installations shows that early detection of such events can minimize equipment damage and increase the safety level of NPP operation. Detection of loose, loosely anchored and outsider objects is carried out by bursts of acoustic noise from the impacts they cause in the coolant flow on the surface of equipment and pipelines. The main difficulty in detecting such events is that during the operation of the reactor plant, a variety of regular noises occur, which should not lead to false alarms of the safety system. We propose an effective mechanism based on artificial intelligence technologies that allows us to determine whether a specific acoustic signal is generated by a “regular” mode of operation or by the usual operation of equipment, or whether it is noise from a collision with a loose (loosely anchored) object that requires an immediate response from the personnel operating the NPP.
nuclear power plant, artificial neural networks, variational autoencoder, loose and loose anchored objects, operational safety, acoustic anomalies, early detection
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.4
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2023, issue 3, 3:18