Authors & Affiliations
Kaplina M.S.1, 2, Dreganov O.I.1, Moiseev V.S.1, 2, Solovova E.O.1, 2
1 Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad, Russia
2 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Dimitrovgrad, Russia
Kaplina M.S.1, 2 – Junior Researcher. Contacts: 294, Kuibysheva St., Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk region, Russia, 433511. Tel.: +7 (908) 472-43-68; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Moiseev V.S.1, 2 – Junior Researcher.
Solovova E.O.1, 2 – Researcher.
Dreganov O.I.1 – Senior Researcher, Cand. Sci.(Tech.).
The paper describes methods and approaches applied in the computational strength analysis of the MIR control rod with a ball-jointed absorber and displacer to extend its operating lifetime.
It presents the design and computational model of the control rod of the nuclear research reactor MIR. For the thermal properties for the control rod simulation, input data for the temperature loading are used, assuming that the irradiation-induced heat generation is asymmetrical along the reactor core height and the control rod is fully inserted into the MIR core. The following boundary conditions were specified for this problem: coolant flow rates and temperatures; pressure; heat transfer coefficients. The calculated thermal parameters and the temperature data imported into ANSYS Workbench are described.
Static and cyclic strength were calculated to justify the strength of the control rods. The method of calculated data processing for the components of the control rod is described. Cumulative cyclic damage of structural components of the control rod, which have the maximum values of conventional elastic stress amplitudes, was analyzed.
The radiation resistance of the materials used was examined.
control rod, absorber, displacer, stressed-strained state, static strength, cyclic strength, brittle rupture, MIR, strength rating, fluence, plasticity, finite-element method
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 53.081.7
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2024, no. 2, 2:13