Authors & Affiliations
Belov A. A., Bereznev V.P., Vabishevich N.P., Ignatiev I.A., Isakov A.B., Koltashev D.A., Potapov V.S., Chertovskikh O.I., Shurygin R.E.
Nuclear Safety Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia
Belov А.А. – Senior Researcher. Contacts: 52, Bolshaya Tulskaya St., Moscow, Russia, 115191. Tel.: +7 (495) 955-23-11; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Bereznev V.P. – Researcher, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
Vabishevich N.P. – Chief Specialist in Service Software Development.
Ignatiev I.A. – Engineer.
Isakov A.B. – Head of the Service Software Development Laboratory, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.).
Koltashev D.A. – Head of the Reactor Physics Laboratory, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
Potapov V.S. – Chief Specialist in Neutron Physics Calculation.
Chertovskikh O.I. – Engineer.
Shurygin R.E. – Engineer.
The paper is devoted to current status of the integral code COMPLEX development. Code COMPLEX is intended to nuclear and radiation safety of the fast neutron reactor facilities and fuel cycle objects, means of transportation and nuclear fuel storages justification. The paper provides a functional scheme of the integral code operation and a brief description of the DOLCE VITA, CORNER, BPSD,
RASTAS_M, ODETTA and MCU-FR modules included in COMPLEX, in particular a description of the implemented models and used data. The appearance and capabilities of the graphical shell named COMPLEX-GUI code are presented, by which the organization of calculation scenarios is demonstrated. Calculation scenario, in this sense, is the sequence of the calling modules included in the integral code and data transferred in the chain of modules involved in the task. A list of possible calculation scenarios is presented. On the example of calculating a simple experimental configuration the capabilities of 3D editor, pre- and post-processor are demonstrated. The progress of the COMPLEX code attestation, the status of its modules attestation and the plans for its further development from the side of both the functionality of the modules expansion and the capabilities of the pre- and postprocessor expansion, including a 3D editor and mesh builder, are presented. It is also planned to expand the scope of tasks to be solved.
integral code, nuclear safety, radiation safety, fast neutron nuclear facilities, core, radiation shielding, radioactive sources, nuclide kinetics, diffusion option, discrete ordinate method, finite-element method, Monte-Carlo method, 3D editor, data visualization
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2024, no. 2, 2:5