Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants

since 1971

Русский (РФ)

ISSN 2414-1038 (online)



Authors & Affiliations

Alchagirov B.B., Kanametova O.Kh., Shiryaev K.A., Kokov Z.A., Dyshekova F.F.
Kabardino-Balkarian State University named after H.M. Berbekov, Nalchik, Russia

Alchagirov B.B. – Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Dr. Sci. (Phys.-Math.). Contacts: 173, Chernishevskogo St., Nal’chik, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Russia, 360004. Tel.: +7 (963) 281-98-27; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Kanametova O.Kh. – Senior Lecturer.
Shiryaev K.A. – 2d year Master's Student at the Institute of Physics and Mathematics.
Kokov Z.A . – Associate Professor of Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.)/
Dyshekova F.F. – Senior Lecturer, Cand. Sci. (Phys.-Math.).


Tin is one of few metals with low melting points that can be used in nuclear reactor chambers and for soaking capillary-porous protection systems (CPS) for the plates covering the internal walls of nuclear reactors. Tin has certain advantageous physical and chemical properties; for example, compared to lithium, the pressure of its saturated vapor is thousand times lower, which allows it to be used at the higher limits of the temperature range most needed for nuclear reactors. This was evidenced in the results of joint experimental studies of Italian and Russian scientists G. Mazzitelli, M.L. Apicella, A. Vertkov, I. Lyublinski who tested for the first time the CPS soaked with pure tin under conditions where the tokamak’s limiter was subjected for short periods to plasma with thermal impact of up to 18 MWt/m2 and demonstrated that CPS soaked with tin remained functional under these conditions. This study establishes the temperature dependency of the wetting angle θ(Т) of steel 12Х18Н9Т by liquid tin in the temperature range of 510–920 K, in vacuum, using the sessile drop method. A critical temperature of wettability (CTW), also referred to as threshold temperature, was found on the system’s θ(Т) polytherm at 870 K. The study reviews experimental data available in the literature on θ(Т) with CTW for wettability of steel 12Х18Н9Т by liquid led and its alloy Pb20Bi80, etc. The occurrence of CTW was explained mainly by the presence of oxides on the surfaces of solids and by the chemical reactions involving the oxides at the interphase boundaries of liquid metals. The authors of this study attribute the occurrence of CTW on θ(Т) curves mainly to the onset of the process of mutual solution of alloyants in steel 12Х18Н9Т, primarily of chromium (18 %), nickel (8–9 %), iron (base, about 70 %mass), etc.

liquid metals, tin, structural steels, interphase boundaries, edge and contact wetting angles, capillary-porous systems, nuclear power plants, plasma, divertor, first wall surface protection, interaction of liquid metals with the surface, melting, solubility, corrosion, erosion

Article Text (PDF, in Russian)


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Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2024, no. 3, 3:13