Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants

since 1971

Русский (РФ)

ISSN 2414-1038 (online)



Authors & Affiliations

Milman O.O.1, 2, 3, Ptakhin A.V.1, 2, 3, Krylov V.S.1, 2, 3, Kartuesova A.Yu.1, 2, Kondratev A.V.1, 2
1 Scientific-Production Implementation Enterprise “Turbokon”, Kaluga, Russia
2 Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovski, Kaluga, Russia
3 The Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Kaluga, Russia

Ptakhin A.V.1, 2, 3 – Deputy Director for Science – Head of the V.A. Fedorov Scientific Research Laboratory named after V.A. Fedorov, Cand. Sci. (Tech.). Contacts: 43, Komsomolskaya roscha st., Kaluga, Kaluga region, 248021. Tel.: +7 (4842) 55-39-09; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Milman O.O.1, 2, 3 – Professor, Dr. Sci. (Tech.).
Krylov V.S.1, 2, 3 – Engineer of Department of Physics and Mathematics.
Kartuesova A.Yu.1, 2 – Engineer of Department of Physics and Mathematics.
Kondratev A.V.1, 2 – Junior Researcher of Department of Physics and Mathematics, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).


The work is devoted to experimental studies of the heat transfer and aerodynamic properties of various heat transfer surfaces with the aim of applying the obtained data in the design of air condensers and dry fan cooling towers for various energy facilities, including the usage of organic working fluids for units located in the conditions of the Far North and suitable for cooling systems of low power nuclear power plants. For experimental studies of models of heat exchange surfaces created for designed installations or made from finned tubes of heat exchangers in operation at power generation facilities, an experimental stand was created. The correctness of the results obtained is ensured by determining the time it takes for it to reach a steady state of operation, optimizing the design of the test bench elements based on thermography results, as well as by monitoring the heat balance on both the water and air side, and by measuring the electrical power of the air heaters.
The characteristics of a number of heat exchange surfaces of various shapes were obtained, including the values of thermal resistances for various methods of attaching the fins to the supporting pipe, which is difficult using purely analytical methods, were established from experiments.
To study heat exchangers under conditions close to real ones, a mock-up of an air condenser in several modifications and a full-size experimental section of an air condenser (ESAC) were created and studied. The fields of cooling air velocities at the entrance to the heat exchange surfaces of these installations, as well as at the exit from their complete fans, are presented.
The resulting extensive database was successfully used in the design of a dry air fan cooling tower for the Grozny Thermal Power Plant, which has been in operation for five years.
Experimental studies of heat exchangers for the organic Rankine cycle, applicable in cooling and emergency cooling systems of low-power nuclear reactors, were carried out.

condensation, steam, cooling system, emergency cooling system, natural circulation, low-boiling coolant, organic Rankine cycle, heat exchange surface, air speed, contact thermal resistance

Article Text (PDF, in Russian)


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UDC 620.9

Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2024, no. 3, 3:19