Authors & Affiliations
Egorov V.V.1, Baykov A.V.1, Kozarev A.V.1, Lizorkin M.P.1,Shumsky B.E.1, Povarov V.P.2
1 National Research Center “Kurchatov Institute”, Moscow, Russia
2 “Novovoronezh NPP”, Novovoronezh, Russia
Egorov V.V.1 – Junior Researcher. Contacts: 1, pl. Akademika Kurchatova, Moscow, Russia, 123182. Tel.: +7 (965) 350-01-58; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Baykov A.V.1 – Researcher.
Kozarev A.V.1 – Head of Department.
Lizorkin M.P.1 – Head of Division, Dr. Sci. (Tech.).
Shumskiy B.E.1 – Head of Laboratory, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
Povarov V.P.2 – Professor, Deputy General Director, Director of the branch Concern Rosenergoatom, Dr. Sci.(Tech.).
The article is devoted to the analysis of the calculation results of reactor experiments conducted at power units with VVER-1000 and VVER-1200 using the ATHLET/BIPR-VVER code (version 1.0) of a full-scale coordinated neutron-physical and thermal-hydraulic modeling of processes in VVER. The simulation was carried out in order to validate the ATHLET/BIPR-VVER code. The processes selected for modeling are multiphysical, in which neutron-physical and thermohydraulic phenomena interact. During the experiments, detailed registration of the parameters of the power unit was carried out.
The article highlights the main approximations of the ATHLET/BIPR-VVER code and presents the results of experimental modeling. Experimental data and simulation results have sufficient completeness and accuracy of presentation to prepare appropriate benchmarks.
The following experiments are described:
– shutdown of one of the four MCPs at the VVER-1000 power unit;
– connection of one MCP to three operating at the VVER-1200 power unit;
– switching to the natural circulation mode during the commissioning of the VVER-1200 power unit.
The simulation results of the described experiments using the ATHLET/BIPR-VVER code show a good agreement with the experimental data and confirm the passport accuracy of the calculation of physical and thermohydraulic characteristics.
full-scale computer modeling, VVER, transients, neutron-physical and thermal-hydraulic models, benchmarks
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.51
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2024, no. 4, 4:5