Authors & Affiliations
Lukyanov D.A., Kudryaev A.A.
Scientific and Technical Center “Diaprom”, Moscow, Russia
Lukyanov D.A. – Head of the Special Purpose Systems Department, Cand. Sci. (Tech.). Contacts: 9A, bld. 3, room 4/2, 2-ya Sinichkina st., inner ter. city municipal district Lefortovo, Moscow, Russia, 111020. Tel.: +7 (495) 690-91-95; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Kudryaev A.A. – First Deputy General Director – Technical Director.
The BN-800 reactor diagnostic system (RDC) operates at Beloyarsk NPP since 2016. RDS was designed for comprehensive monitoring and early detection of deviations from normal operation and anomalies using reactivity, temperature and neutron noise methods.
The article presents the results of the analysis of RDC parameters characterizing power and reactivity fluctuations of the BN-800 reactor during reactor operation with the uranium core and during the transition to uranium-plutonium MOX-fuel.
Shown that after the transition to MOX-fuel, the level of power and reactivity fluctuations at the beginning of reactor microcampaign (MC) increased by ~2 times in comparison with uranian core. By the end of all MCs has been analyzed, the power and reactivity fluctuations are getting reduced to the common level.
Noted that after transition to MOX fuel, due to increased level of power fluctuations, the control rods move ~40 times more intensive at the beginning of MC, than at the end. A more intensive regulators operating can affect the service life characteristics of electromechanical equipment.
fast neutron reactors, core diagnosing, power fluctuation, reactivity fluctuation
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.588
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2024, no. 4, 4:7