Authors & Affiliations
Kirilova E.S., Radionycheva A.A., Farakshin M.R.
Afrikantov Experimental Design Bureau for Mechanical Engineering, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Kirilova E.S. – Design Engineer. Contacts: 15 Burnakovsky proezd, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 603074. Tel.: +7 (920) 299-15-05; e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Radionycheva A.A. – Lead Design Engineer.
Farakshin M.R. – Head of Department, Cand. Sci. (Tech.).
The possibility of an experimental performance capacity justification of fuel pins with MOX fuel and axial interlayer for an advanced BN-1200M reactor is considered in the paper. The introduction of an axial breeding interlayer into the core provides the possibility of a corresponding increase in FSA lifetime fuel burnup by reducing the irradiation damage rate. The data on the irradiation of experimental fuel rods with MOX fuel on BN-600 reactor are provided. The reactor test of fuel pins with axial interlayer as part of EFSA under operation conditions corresponding to BN-1200M will be carried out for the first time. Taking into account the novelty of design, it is planned to place only four fuel pins with an axial interlayer in a fuel pins bundle with a homogeneous fuel column without an interlayer. Target parameters for BN-1200M fuel pins operation are presented. It’s shown that the parameters can be attained during irradiation of experimental fuel pins with an axial interlayer as part of CEFSA-MAX (Combined Experimental Fuel Subassembly, including fuel pins with axial interlayer) in BN-600. The paper also provides a schedule of reactor test of CEFSA-MAX. Irradiation of three CEFSA-MAX is planned. Based on the results of irradiation of the first CEFSA-MAX experimental data on fuel pin behavior at the boundary of the fuel and the interlayer will be obtained. The irradiation of the next two CEFSA-MAX will be carried out with gradual increase in the MOX fuel burnup. The influence of CEFSA on the reactor core neutronic characteristics and operating parameters of standard FA is shown.
BN-1200M reactor, MOX fuel, axial interlayer, BN-600 reactor, experimental assembly, reactor core, KETVS-MAK, operation parameters, neutronic characteristics
Article Text (PDF, in Russian)
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UDC 621.039.548:621.039.526
Problems of Atomic Science and Technology. Series: Nuclear and Reactor Constants, 2024, no. 4, 4:8