Milinchuk V.K., Belozerov V.I., Askhadullin S.R.
Obninsk Institute for Nuclear Power Engineering National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Obninsk, Russia
The article considers a hydroheterogenic
method and a generator for producing hydrogen from water based on compositions
of aluminum and aluminum alloys. Chemical activators of metals that remove the
Al2O3 oxide coating from the aluminum surface are
silicon-and calcium-containing compounds, for example, liquid sodium and
potassium glass, sodium metasilicate crystal hydrates, oxides and hydroxides of
alkali metals, quicklime and slaked lime. The electric energy source is not
used for the operation of the hydrogen generator, which ensures its autonomy,
mobility, safety, and also reduces the cost of hydrogen. The hydroheterogenic
method makes it possible to obtain pure hydrogen with a capacity of several to
hundreds of liters per hour. The hydrogen generator is a metal cylinder with a
length of 20 cm, a diameter of 7 cm, consisting of an upper chamber and a
lower chamber with a length of 10 cm and a volume of 0.4 liters. The
chambers are interconnected by a threaded connection with a rubber seal with a
thickness of 2 microns. The lower reaction chamber is designed to produce
hydrogen by chemical decomposition of water with activated aluminum. To do
this, a composition is placed on the bottom of the lower chamber, which is a
uniformly distributed thin layer of aluminum in the form of highly dispersed
aluminum powder, aluminum powder or crushed thin aluminum foil. The metal layer
is filled with water weighing from 1.0 to 30.0–50.0 g. For this purpose water
of various salt composition is used – distilled, tap, oceanic. Chemical
activators of aluminum and aluminum alloys are aqueous solutions of silicon-and
calcium-containing reagents-liquid sodium and potassium glass, sodium
metasilicate crystal hydrates of various compositions, quicklime and slaked
lime, etc. The duration of the hydrogen generation process is controlled by
changes in the composition of the generating composition, the activating
aqueous solution and the temperature.
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